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VMworld EU 2015 Buzz: Day 2 General Session Thoughts

October 28th, 2015

Adding some more colour to the highlights from my VMworld Europe 2015 coverage:

Day 2 kicked off after breakfast with again sort of a repeat of the VMworld US keynote kicked off by the engaging Sanjay Poonam, the EUC boss.

Sanjay has really lit a fire under VMware’s EUC, started talking about the amazing effect of smartphones, AirWatch is the tech company VMware bought which now manages mobile devices (and future IoT) but Windows 10 support is the big news as announced at VMworld US. This will bring together mobile and PC management which could be very attractive for enterprises.

Announced Boxer acquisition which is simple, secure access to email, content and apps.

The Boxer team, which will join the AirWatch team, has developed a mature personal information management (PIM) solution for enterprises that offers a container approach to mobile application management and security. Boxer has partnered with industry leaders and supports market leading productivity, enterprise and social networking solutions including Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Facebook, Gmail, iCloud, Salesforce, Twitter, Outlook and Yahoo, just to name a few.

Rory Clements, Solutions Engineering Director for EUC then went through the same demo that Microsoft came on stage for in the US version and demoed AirWatch managing Windows 10 as well as using App Volumes on physical as part of Project A2

Single sign-on across multiple devices and applications (over 40) with AirWatch.

Sanjay and Rory then showed a windows application remoted on a Tesla and then the mixing of AirWatch and NSX network security.

Sanjay then tried to get the crowd chanting “EUC will Rock You” with the backing of some drummers!

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Martin Casado, Networking Boss and OpenFlow (NSX is a derivative of it) inventor extraordinaire highlighted the importance of the network especially with cloud native applications, the application is the network he says, something I don’t quite subscribe to. The application is always more  important than any underlying infrastructure to deliver it. More messaging around infrastructure evolving into software. We heard from customer Novamedia again how they are using NSX. Then Martin talks about security, the topic that VMware is really trying to push with NSX. They announced distributed network encryption with NSX at VMworld US as well as VMDK data encryption at rest, both part of NSX 6.2.

Martin brought on stage customer Funs Kessen,Mission Critical Engineer (nice title) from Shuberg Philis.

Guido Appenzeller, chief technology strategy guy for NSX who was in Martin’s class when he taught at Stanford talked about connectivity across multiple clouds which is a VERY important consideration. NSX is now available on AWS (along with vCloud Air obviously) which is very interesting. I believe Azure is coming.


Pat Gelsinger, CEO, was then up on stage, recently flown over after I would presume a busy few days with the Dell acquisition.

What I thought was interesting is the big picture messaging from Pat is only done on day two and a the end of the keynote and doesn’t actually lead the conference. Not quite sure what to make of it but VMware is obviously trying to shake things up, normally the CEO leads out the vision and we get to the technical filler details during the second day but VMware is doing thinks differently.

Pat talks about how internet connectivity has grown. Healthcare, education and so many other areas are improved by connectivity. By 2019, half the world’s population will be connected to the internet, take a pause & realise that’s still only half. People are using more devices, iOS app revenue has passed film revenue. This connectivity revolution is changing economics, massive tech companies will disappear (does this include Dell + EMC/VMware)!

Pat also highlighted the focus on Open Source accelerating with the Cloud Native Applications from VMware.


You can now see the recording of the entire keynote

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