
Posts Tagged ‘vexpert’

vExpert 2011, count me in!

July 8th, 2011 2 comments

Today, I heard entirely unexpectedly from John Troyer that I’ve been granted a vExpert award 2011!

I’ve spent a week congratulating many deserving vExpert award winners and as all notifications went out a week ago, I hadn’t considered that I may still be included.

I’ve had issues this week with my personal domain name registration causing email delivery to fail. Luckily John didn’t immediately mark me down as IT clueless and contacted me via twitter today and via a working email address gave me the great news!

We’re pleased to designate you as a vExpert 2011 as recognition of your contributions to the VMware, virtualization, and cloud computing communities. You’ve done work above and beyond, and we’re delighted to communicate more closely, to share resources, and to offer other opportunities for greater interaction throughout the year as we continue to grow knowledge and success in the community of IT professionals. Welcome to the vExpert 2011 Program!

I truly feel humbled to be part of such a great community and look forward to being able to participate even more over the coming year.

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