What’s New in vCloud Suite 5.5: vSphere App HA
VMware has announced its latest update to version 5.5 of its global virtualisation powerhouse, vCloud Suite.
To read the updates for all the suite components, see my post: What’s New in vCloud Suite 5.5: Introduction
vSphere App HA is another new product from VMware in 5.5 to provide application level HA in addition to what is available with vSphere HA. vSphere HA can only recovers VMs when an ESXi hosts dies or restart a VM if the OS hangs. It is not application aware and can’t detect and remediate software failures.
vSphere App HA provides application protection by detecting application availability issues and automatically remediating them.
Applications and their availability status are auto-discovered and a remediation policy can be created with just 3 clicks.
The policy can be configured to restart the application service and attempt a safe VM restart using the HA API if the application restart fails.
App HA is integrated with VC alarms to provide visibility to application downtime.
It is deployed as a virtual appliance and is a plug-in to the vSphere Web Client.
App HA currently supports the following services and can run up to 400 agents:
- MSSQL 2005, 2008, 2008R2, 2012
- Tomcat 6.0, 7.0
- TC Server Runtime 6.0, 7.0
- IIS 6.0, 7.0, 8.0
- Apache HTTP Server 1.3, 2.0, 2.2.
You can only install one vFabric Hyperic server on one vCenter server with one vSphere App HA plug-in installed.
It will be interesting to see how this product develops, support for more services must be on the roadmap. Perhaps this will also take over what vCenter Heartbeat currently does although I hope vCenter in the future works in a more active and federated way and doesn’t require active/passive nodes.
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