There may be a situation where you need to downgrade your HP Virtual Connect Flex-10 firmware. You may need to downgrade to test/prove an upgrade again, you may have encountered a bug which forces you to downgrade or you may just need a roll back plan for your proposed upgrade.
In order to downgrade HP Virtual Connect firmware, you will need to shut down your HP blade environment as the downgrade procedure requires you to delete the Virtual Connect Domain which can only be done with all servers in all chassis in your Virtual Connect (VC) Domain powered down.
You need to ensure you have the local Administrator password for each Flex-10 module that came on the tag with the Flex-10 module. As you will be deleting the VC domain, any domain/local users created as part of the VC domain will not be available once the domain has been deleted.
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After my previous post, looking through the VMworld US 2011 Session Content Breakdown, I’ve done the same for the VMworld European conference.
There are 116 Breakout Sessions, 3 Panel Sessions & 23 Hands-on Labs.
As a summary it looks like there are a lot more sessions presented by VMware employees:
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The previous London VMware User Group may still be fresh in your mind with a fantastic cloud focused day but the next one is already planned and scheduled for the 14th July so off with your head if you can’t make it!
This VMUG follows the great format of the previous cloud gathering, starting at 10am, features two tracks, multiple sponsors (Arista Networks, Embotics and Vision Solutions), a VMware vCenter Operations focused lab and a VMware staffed Genius Bar to get all your questions answered.
I have the honour of presenting again at one of the afternoon sessions: “Thinking, Building & Scripting Globally” which will hopefully leave you with some practical ideas and solutions for designing and building a standardised global infrastructure, ready for your private cloud…all with PowerCLI.
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I’ve been looking through the VMworld US Content Catalog which has recently been posted to get an understanding of what sessions, companies and presenters have been selected for the VMworld 2011 US conference in Las Vegas.
My proposal was rejected so I thought it would be useful to see what kinds of sessions VMware is looking for.
There are 124 Breakout Sessions, 8 Panel Sessions & 24 Hands-on Labs.
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Recently I’ve been looking further into what the “cloud” means and how cloud computing should be understood and if/how it should be aligned with IT strategy. No cloud discussion is brief so bear with me!
“Cloud” is obviously the IT buzz word of the moment and as a buzz word carries with it positives and negatives.
Having a simple word like cloud is good for IT in a way that it brings with it a fresh new way of thinking about how IT is delivered forcing companies to re-evaluate the way they do IT which drives innovation.
Unfortunately with such a broad, difficult to define concept it becomes very difficult for companies to effectively understand and plan a cloud strategy when there are as many definitions of what the cloud is as there are products.
Companies and cloud thinking
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